6 June 2011

FInal Year Project

My Final Year Project was an Investigation into the Character Creation Process used within the Games Industry.
It looked at all aspects of design development and concept work, and then the 3D Modelling and production of the character aswell.
Heres the progress of the project work to go with my dissertation:

Idea Development:

Final Idea:

Final Beauty Render/Painting:

Orthographic Views/Design Sheet:


Final Posed Model:

It was an awesome project to work on. Shame that I ran out of time and she couldn't be finished to the full standard I had hoped!


  1. interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you

    BE Final Year Projects

  2. Nice didn't realise you'd modelled this character :) dose emma nose's still creeping me out to this day :P haha

  3. Also I really liked the Arrow tipped part of the tabard/cloth-hanging and the less decorated headdress
