23 August 2013

Lines Lines Lines

...Oh how I love lines!

This is a drawing for a friend of her World of Warcraft Elf; Debonaire. I love how she came out with all her detail and it was such good fun to go back to drawing with just lines and no colour...Enjoy!

15 August 2013

Well hello there Blog world!

Ok...so I remembered that I have a blog! Ha :/ I feel quite disappointed in myself that I haven't made the time to draw and finish anything decent enough to post up here...surely it can't have been almost 2 years since I last posted something big?! I promise that I have been doing stuff like; working on some concept and 3D work for a friends game (will try and get permission to post some shots up!) sketching and designing some tattoos for friends and then I seem to have gotten caught up in making a lot of textile and crafty things which is nice working in traditional mediums and creative physical things.

Anyway, now that I've settled into a new house in a new big city, there's lots of creative things to do and explore!! Can't wait to get back onto a life drawing class and fingers crossed, search for a new more creative job...exciting stuff! I will do my best to get on here more with my creative bits and bobs.

For now though, I do have something to post to update this desperate looking blog; a piece that I have been working on for the last 8 months or so in the free time that I have managed to scrounge together. This is a digital painting of a character for a friend's online competition. I LOVED working on it and loved how it turned out! Tried a few new painting things...I kinda get scared when I have to add colour to lines cos it never turns out as good as I first imagine but I am happy with the outcome of this one :)
